Tuesday 27 September 2016


New Zealand is a fantastic country with amazing buildings with unique architectural designs. Many people in the modern world prefer the usage of stones in the construction of their buildings. Stones are perfect for construction due to their durability. Unlike the wood, stones are not attacked by termites and other parasites. A building constructed using stones can last for decades. The foundation of the house is vital and should be strong to avoid collapsing. When planning to build a commercial or a residential home, many people find difficulties in choosing the right person or company for constructing it and for supplying the building materials. A qualified mason should be awarded the construction contract to enhance efficiency. The stone supplier should be reliable and reputable. In New Zealand, many local stone suppliers provide quality services to their clients. You will get numerous benefits when you hire a reliable local stone supplier in New Zealand.

Merits of Local Stone Suppliers in New Zealand

Local landscaping & stone suppliers offer affordable services to the citizens of New Zealand.  The transportation fee is not high because they have the necessary trucks. The building materials will reach the intended destination promptly. Furthermore, local stone suppliers choose the best type of stones for the clients which will make them construct beautiful mansions. They offer advisory support on the best and natural stones to use when building a residential or a commercial building.

They are reliable and easy to reach. A phone call is enough to make orders of quantities of building materials you require in New Zealand. They have a 24-hour working plan where they can supply the stones to the surrounding regions when needed. Always hire the services of stone supplying firms with employees who respect the welfare of their customers.

Benefits of Hiring Experienced Local Stone Masons in New Zealand

Awarding building contracts to qualified local masons is advantageous because they will build a house with a modern design. They are conversant with the latest models and designs, and they use their skills and experience to ensure their homeowner is satisfied. They are also aware of the construction rules and regulations in the region. They will assist the owner to observe them avoid the cancellation of the building of the house by the country’s construction governing body.

Local stone masons are readily available. You can call them when you require something to be constructed. Many firms in New Zealand offer construction services to the citizens. They have high-trained employees. It is advisable to hire these individuals because they are disciplined and they will make sure your building is strong to enable them to gain more credit for their company. It helps in building the reputation of the firm and hence they will not disappoint their clients.

Therefore, the residents of New Zealand should ensure they hire the right masons and stone suppliers by consulting experts and construction engineers in the country. They will guide them in acquiring the best building services that will enable them to construct a mansion of their dream.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Affordable Zen Garden Stone Suppliers in New Zealand

A Zen garden, also known as a ‘’dry landscape ‘garden or the Japanese rock forms styled landscape through thoroughly composed arrangements of rocks, moss, bushes, pruned trees and water features and utilizes raked sand or gravel as water representation. A Zen garden is normally relatively small and surrounded by a wall. Stone direct ltd offers affordable and quality zen garden stones in Auckland, New Zealand. It will be handy, if you visit some of stone suppliers yard for getting top class zen garden stones.  It is meant to be visible while sitting from one view point outside the garden, like the porch of hojo or the home of the temple’s chief monk.

Benefits of the Zen Garden
Zen gardens at your home or office is perfect way of finding your inner peace, especially if you are a fun of meditation. This relieves you from stress and the overwhelming noise and thoughts that surround your daily life. The following are some of the benefits of having a Zen garden:

Meditation on a Zen garden will give you a wider perspective of life and see beyond what’s in front. You may choose particular concepts to meditate upon, like dualism, absence of self or impermanence. If you like, you can keep a notebook of quotes from the Buddhist riddle or simply practice mindful breathing as you empty your mind of any conscious thoughts.

Relieve Stress
One of the key benefits of keeping a Zen garden is for stress relief. By systematically arranging the stones within the garden and combing sand, you will begin to relax. Be sure to focus on the repetitive movements of the stones to quiet your mind and enable you to experience your present moment, as opposed to worrying about your past or future. Escape the stresses from your busy everyday life in to your Zen garden.

Sense of Beauty
 Zen gardens bring a sense of beauty in to your life, home and creative environment. One of the concepts is to focus on simplicity, or Kanso. Another concept is irregularity or asymmetry called Fukinsei. Asymmetry symbolizes imperfections in life yet with great sense of balance. Another key concept is Yugen, which refers to hidden beauty or subtle grace. All these concepts will come out as you work on the Zen garden and help you recognize them in the real world around you.

Features of the Zen Garden
Zen gardens can be designed to exhibit different concepts all in one garden. Opposites are relatively simple to install in your garden. You may consider vertical features like arbors, birdbaths, trellises, pagoda style gazebos and trees set besides horizontal features like a flower bed, paths of flat river stones, a sea of grass or a garden pond. Pairing any of such features will allow visitors to meditate on them and come up with various interpretations.

Color choice is another key future for a perfect Zen garden. You may mix various colors to exhibit the yin and yang principles into your garden. Provide a shady patch of green trees across a sunny expanse of the garden. You may also plant a number of bright yellow blossoms, or yang, next to dark green plants, preferably ferns to exhibit yin.

Install features that will suggest things beyond what they seem to be. A small cascade does not simply represent a trickle of water but energy and movement. Likewise, a white rose may not simply mean a rose but inviolate beauty or innocence. This is simply seeing natural things with spiritual eyes and requires some degree of reflection. Ensure you incorporate some rustic seating for your guests within the garden.

Look at different objects within your Zen garden from different points of view to enhance your creativity. This may help you come up with critical solutions to your work place problems. Meditation upon such features will promote divergent thinking and help generate several new ideas.